Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Apparently it was a good thing that I didn't let my rebellious side win out over the dosage for the last couple of days. My lining this morning was at 8mm (thickest it's been yet, by far), and I have 3-4 pretty big follicles, ranging from 15 to 12mm.

I was so sure when I went in this morning that I would still be in the same old place. Completely surprised when I saw the ovary on the scan. (They're all on the right, my left ovary doesn't want to do anything). It's about time - 18 days of injections to date.

Update: Just heard from the nurse - one more shot of Repronex tonight then I trigger tomorrow!!! So IUI Saturday morning. I'm really almost in shock - I can't believe how quickly things progressed once they actually got going. I was, in a way, hoping for the IUI on Sunday or Monday so that M and I could get some storming in (as in, "Have fun storming the Castle..." - I hope you ALL know what movie that's from) beforehand for a bit of insurance, but it's not to be. He's out of town for work 'til Friday night. No complaint here though - I'm all out at the moment ;-)


Anonymous said...

I DO know what movie that's from! For once!

And CONGRATS on your great ultrasound! Hoping and hoping that this one works.

S said...

Congrats!!! That is great news!

As for the quote - I could replay the movie in my head from start to finish!

I'm embellishing my rebel side by not following the RE's suggestion of going back on bcp! I'll get a 2nd opinion in about 3 weeks from a different one.