Monday, July 04, 2005


Went in for yet another u/s this morning. Still didn't look as if much was going on - lining was exactly the same, 5mm, although my biggest follicle is now at 10mm... not quite enough to be sure that it's progressing, but an improvement. e2 at 136 though!

Nurse called and told me to decrease my dosage back to 1.5 vials. I'm tempted to continue with the two full vials. Any thoughts?

Maybe I'll split the difference and go with 1.75.


Eggs Akimbo said...

I'm not on what you are but I do have to get ultrasounds for the clomid and I freak out about how my lining is progressing every month! Hope it goes fantastically!

OvaGirl said...

No good advice about this, sorry, just good luck and fingers crossed