I started watching L0st over the summer when it was in reruns and totally got hooked. In one episode, where you see Sun and J1n before they get married, she was wearing a totally stunning dress. I'm a sucker for dressed with low backs, especially when they have cool straps, and this totally fit the bill. I'm going to a very good friend's wedding in about a month, and thought how cool it would be if I could have a dress like that. So I decided to make it.
(This is not entirely out of the blue, my mom taught us to sew growing up, and I made my own wedding dress because I didn't like the styles at the time).
Anyway, I found a somewhat similar pattern in the fabric store and a fantastic shiny emerald green fabric. After making the top of the dress out of throw-away fabric a few times, this is what I ended up with. The back looks just like the dress on L0st, I'm so happy with how it turned out!
Please ignore the goofy look on my face! I don't know what I was thinking.
Also, ignore my lack of Mollywogger-like cleavage. You can only do so much with what I got :-p

My "L0st" dress - front

My "L0st" dress - back

Gorgeous!! Green is my favorite color. You are so talented!
You are a true renaissance woman!!
That's a great dress! Nice Job.
Owww! Work it, Nico!
Love the dress.
And not everyone can have the assets I enjoy. Life is just not fair.
Oh I wish I could sew. My mother despised it as part of the capitalist military-industrial patriarchal complex, or something, so I decided it was dumb and didn't learn. But you look gorgeous in that dress!
PS what about the shoes?
Wow - it's beautiful (and so are you!)
I have always been envious of those who can sew. I can't even sew a button back on properly.
It's a gorgeous colour and looks great on you. I agree with Laurie, such a vixen! Low backs tend to do that. Very sexy.
Also, about Molly. Anyone can have nice cleavage by stuffing tissues in their bra. I'm just sayin'...
That is a beautiful dress. Suits you so much. I am extraordinarily jealous of people who can sew. I would love to be able to do it.
STUNNING! I LOVE green and that green is just gorgeous.
What colour shoes are you going to wear with it? Me thinks silver?
You are soooo clever! That's a beautiful dress and well worth boasting about! Also...you look gorgous in it!
Did you have that piccy taken knowing you would put it on your blog? Cause I really feel like you're looking and smiling at US.
wow. you are totally talented! BITCH! :-)
Holy shit! I am SO impressed that you could see a dress and then make it. I sew a little bit, but to make clothing is scary as hell. You kick ass!
PS I love Lost also!
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