Saturday, August 06, 2005

Too good to be true.

I thought I was having a picture perfect, textbook cycle. And I was. Right up until they told me to decrease my dosage. Went in again this morning, and my follicles were pretty much the same size as they were on Thursday, as was my lining (up to 7mm today). Afternoon call said that I might already be ovulating because my estradiol had dropped (yeah, no shit dumbasses - what the hell do you think happens when you decrease the meds by 67%????). So I'm supposed to do the trigger shot tonight, and then go in for an IUI tomorrow (instead of the usual 36 hours, which would be Monday).

I am really really angry. With them AND with myself. I feel like I should have questioned what they were doing more - I've read too many stories of people's dosage being dropped and things getting fucked up.

Has anyone had their dosage dropped and NOT had a subsequent problem?

I think I'm going to demand an IUI on Monday as well. Hopefully cover more bases. But if everything has stalled (as it seems to have) and I don't end up with any mature eggs, it doesn't matter how much damn sperm is in there.

Fuck. And I will say that for Thalia too. And a big triple fuck you, universe, up yours, you scum sucking asswipe, for Megan.


Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow babe! Hopefully they actually know what they're doing and don't fuck this up. Keeping my finger crossed for you and thinking positive thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Blimey the universe just didn't like either of us this cycle, did it? I have all my bits crossed that this won't matter, the follicles had what they needed to mature, and that today's IUI does the trick.

MsPrufrock said...

I've had to have my dosage decreased twice because my ovaries were OVERSTIMULATED. You hear that? OVERSTIMULATED. The fucking things don't work 99% of the time, but at other times they work too much. Who knew?

I don't think decreasing the dosage is always a bad thing, because you certainly don't want too much overstimulation. However, nor am I pregnant yet, sooooo...

S said...

Sorry to hear that. Good luck at your appt tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

How did it go, Nico?