Sunday, August 20, 2006

If you can't laugh at yourself...

Thursday morning I was heading to the gym, to do my usual routine of light weight lifting, a few minutes on the elliptical, and some swimming (well, my usual routine since I was allowed to start exercising again at 34 weeks). I grabbed a yellow floral tank top, some pants, and the bella band I had picked up over the weekend, just in case.

Thank goodness I grabbed that band! When I put the shirt on, it was WAY too short in the front. I would have been embarrased to show my face if I hadn't had the band to cover the large expanse of belly that was hanging out. As it was, I think the fashion police would definitely have had shots of me in the "what not to wear" category. Can you buy one of those black bands to wear over your eyes when something like that happens?

The next day I was going swimming again, and this time picked out a button down tank top and a skirt. I thought back to my experience of the day before, and also snagged one of the t-shirts I had just bought at Tarjhay. What a sight when I tried to put on the button down - there was NO WAY the button and button-hole were meeting. There was a good one-ince gap there. Score one more for my forethought in bringing the t-shirt!

Later that afternoon I was having lunch with a friend whom I haven't seen since late last year. Burger and fries. Have I mentioned that I have been eating like crap for the past month? Anyway, I decided I wanted some ketchup on my fries, picked up the bottle, and began shaking. Didn't realize that she hadn't screwed the top back on after using it... shake, shake, then in slow motion the cap dislodged itself, and there was a spray of ketchup twisting through the air... At which point I thankfully managed to arrest my motion. But I got ketchup on my wrist, my knee, and two big globs on my stomach. Looked like an idiot, but I couldn't stop laughing at myself. Typical!


Paige said...

ha! I do things like that all the time.....

noela said...

Hee hee!!! I can just picture it! ;) Thanks for sharing such an amusing tale!

I'm sure you'd be forgiven of any "fashion errors" given your advanced state of pregnancy these days.... ;)

And you can probably blame the ketchup on that baby somehow!! ;D


Kellie said...


Towards the end of pregnancy #2 I got so big that I had 1 shirt that "fit" without embarressment. Because I was so far along I decided that there was no way I was going to buy more clothes - I'd just make do. That poor t-shirt had more washings than anything else I've ever owned.

Now I had to go google bella band because I have no idea what that is...

soralis said...

Thanks for sharing! Good way to start the day with a giggle!

Take care

EAB said...

I can barely get through a meal without The Belly getting christened by some sort of food or another -- and let's not even discuss how crumbs wind up in my cleavage!

I'm on my third size of maternity clothes, and even those don't reliably cover the belly...

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is too funny. And you're right -- at this point I just accept that I'm going to have food on me or some body part sticking out somewhere. That's just the way it is. Might as well laugh about it!

Gandksmom said...

See, when you are that much pregnant, people forgive you. Personally, I love to see belly, especially pregnant belly. There is someone at the Y I go to who swims in a 2 piece and she is at least 8 months pregnant. So beautiful. BTW - How about a cute belly shot for those of us who want to see???? PLEASE???? PREATTY PLEASE????

noela said...

Here's the Bella Band website if anyone is interested:

Essentially, it's a colored stretchy lycra-type band of cloth that you can wear over your pants and stomach to help at "in between" stages of pregnancy....

Rebecca said...

10 days away from giving birth and you're still exercising?!? I'm impressed. I haven't been able to get my sorry butt to the gym in months, and I haven't had a good excuse for that. Then again, that probably also explains why you, at 38 weeks pregnant, likely weigh less than I do! :)