Sunday, June 18, 2006

Relief? Not so much...

I'm finally back home after 4 days in the hospital (and Phred and I are both doing just fine). Despite the negative fFN test on Monday, my contractions started feeling different on Wednesday - I had mostly been feeling the tightening towards the top of my uterus, but Wednesday afternoon they moved down towards the bottom. So I called the doc once again, and went back to Labor and Delivery.

They checked my cervix when I got in there - still long and closed, and had me on the monitors for a few hours. Unfortunately, a second cervical check then showed that I was 50% effaced (which I will continue to wonder about, but...) so we then went into full prevention mode. (Which included another fFN test, which was now positive again. So much for Monday's result!)

First shot of beta methasone Wednesday night (steroid to mature Phred's lungs in case of pre-term delivery), and they started me on magnesium sulfate to try and stop the contractions / prevent the pre-term labor for long enough to give the steroids a chance to work. That was an experience. The magnesium basically completely relaxes all your muscles - every movement became an effort, including focusing my eyes! (All I can say is thank goodness for the catheter I asked them to put in Wednesday night.) I basically spent all of Thursday and the first part of Friday in a stupor. I did have a book on CD that I listened to to pass some of the time. That's about all I could manage. What was interesting was that despite the fact all the rest of my muscles were rubber, I was still contracting like a champ. Fortunately that stopped on Friday morning - finally!

Once the contractions had stopped for a few hours, they felt comfortable taking me off the mag, so around 1pm on Friday they shut that off. By 4 I was feeling worlds better, and got moved down to the antepartum floor. (i.e. the bedrest floor).

There was one more incident - I woke up in the early morning on Saturday with the contractractions back again, 2-3 minutes apart, and more painful than they had been. Fortunately after I went to the bathroom a couple of times (and got rid of a a full liter of fluid), they calmed down pretty quickly. A full bladder definitely seems to exacerbate the contractions at this point.

The next couple of days I got to experience hospital bedrest. It wasn't actually as bad as I was imagining - I had a stack of books, my computer, a fair number of visitors... all passed the time pretty quickly. I finally got to shower again on Saturday morning too, I cannot describe how good that felt! Probably the worst was the nights - even though the bedrest bed was a lot more comfortable than the L&D bed, it still wasn't nearly as nice as my bed at home.

After another cervical check this morning, with still no change, I was allowed to go home again. Boy does it feel nice to be out of that bed! They're not even keeping me on bedrest, I think because I seem to have the contractions whether I'm in bed or not, so doesn't seem to be much point in restricting my activity to that level.

Hopefully this is the last of the drama, and I'll just keep gently contracting for another 6+ weeks. (29w1d today).


D said...

I'm glad that you are doing better. It is so odd - we are due on the same date and having the same issues, this week, I am also 50% effaced, having about 6-8 contractions an hour and now getting weekly FFN testing - so far negative. It is so stressful!
Hopefully we can both keep them in there for several more weeks!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad they managed to stop the contractions. This must be so annoying for you. Hopefully the rest of your pregnancy will be nice and uneventful. :)

Anonymous said...

certainly sounds like you are having an eventful pregnancy so far... good to hear that they managed to stop those contractions... *sternly wags finger at uterus* now stop contracting and let phred stay in there for a while longer!

Kellie said...

Ack! That's so scary! I'm glad your home and doing better - I've always thought you do better mentally at home. Hang in there - you're doing great.

Anonymous said...

Nico! You're stressing me out! You must stop this at once, young lady!

Whew . . .

Anonymous said...

Yikes, Nico. I'll say that was some drama. I was really hoping that you were done with that for a good while. Now, I'll just keep my fingers crossed that Phred is able to stay put for the next six weeks - and even with that, it's kind of wild to think that the baby could be here that soon, huh?

lucky #2 said... scary and frustrating at the same time. It seems as if the Doc's know what they are doing to slow the contractions and your body seems to be responding (even if it is slow). Phred seems awfully excited to meet you in person! :)

S said...

Yikes! Sorry to hear that you had to go through that! Hopefully things will calm down a bit for you. Only a few more weeks to go, hang in there.

Gandksmom said...

I have so been there and done that! 8 hospitalizations and then went overdue and had a c-section! I was about 80% effaced but then went back to 0% again. With my second, I didn't have nary a contraction!

charlie's mom said...

Oh Nico how scary! I am glad that everything is OK now.

Katie said...

Six weeks. How did that happen?

This is scary, but things seems like they are okay now.

Cross your legs!

EAB said...

Oh, hon, this is just such a rollercoaster ride for you, isn't it? Keep us posted on how things are looking -- I'll be thinking good stay-put thoughts for you and Phred.