Wednesday, May 24, 2006

meltdown and recovery

I've been keeping pretty steady through all of this, but had my first meltdown last night, when the contractions were back to 4-5 minutes apart. I had been telling myself over and over again that it was unlikely that I was going into labor, given the length of my cervix and the fact that it was completely closed on Saturday night AND Monday morning. But the damn contractions picking up again really got to me. Especially as I had come home from work early because I did notice that walking up and down the stairs was bringing them on, and all I had been doing since was lying on the couch.

So I had my little crying jag. Then I switched positions, and it did seem to help, so we decided not to call in again. I had already made the decision not to go into work today, so thought I'd see what happened today, and hopefully things would calm down when I really wasn't doing anything. Self-imposed bedrest.

Did not work at all. After I woke up I stayed in bed for about 45 minutes, with contractions about ten minutes apart. Lying on the couch seemed better for a while, but any time I would stand up to go to the bathroom or get some water they would start right back up again, 4-5 minutes apart.

Eventually I called the doc again, both to get the results of my UTI test from Saturday, and also to ask whether I should come in again. They said I should. So, trip number two to the hospital. This one was less of a rush, as I figured an extra half hour probably wasn't going to do anything at this point.

More monitoring (Phred was called a “textbook full term reactive baby”, which was great!), and another cervical check showed once again that nothing is happening in that area.

So this time, the doc said not to worry about the contractions. They are obviously not productive, in that my cervix is just fine. She called them “nuisance” contractions. She was still a bit nervous, given the positive fibronectin test, but said that I should only call if I notice any change from the current affairs. I may just have to live with these for the next three months. Hopefully three months.

I’m feeling much better now, still hoping that they go away, but resigned and okay if they don’t.


Paige said...

Good to hear that your cervix is doing it's job and way to go Phred for being textbook! Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear Phred's going well and I'm hoping that things settle down for you soon.

soralis said...

Glad to hear everything is 'closed up'. Take care and I hope they just go away for you.

EAB said...

Hey, I think all of that's pretty meltdown-worthy. Pre-term labor is scary stuff, but you're far enough along that the odds are starting to tilt the right way, at least. I hope it never comes to that, though, and that Phred stays right where s/he is for some time to come!

Nicole said...

Sounds like things are going alright even though you are feeling the contractions. Everything else sounds 'textbook' so that is great.

Hopefully these contractions will just be an aggravation rather than anything actually wrong.

Good for you, having an old-fashioned meltdown! Some of us have been having them on a weekly basis, and welcome you to the club!

charlie's mom said...

They sound like more than a nuisance! I'm glad they don't seem to mean anything though.

Amy said...

ugh. good luck, hon, glad you've got a lot of good people helping you think about how to take care of yourself right now. Fingers very crossed for you...

MsPrufrock said...

Oh, this was never going to be easy, was it? I'm sorry you had to go through all those moments of panic, but I'm pleased it has all worked itself out now and you're calm.

Roll on the next three months!

Katie said...

I'd be freaking out too. I think you'll be fine-- But don't beat yourself up about freaking out!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you took the day off (tomorrow too, maybe?). You need the rest - mental and physical. What a hell of thing to be going through.

And if you ever need anything, just holler -- company? ice cream? a ride somewhere? I don't know, but if there's anything I could do, I'd be more than happy...

Kellie said...

Oh Nico, you had every right to freak out. This is scary stuff. Glad to hear your taking it easy. Hope everything continues going well. You're definetly in my thoughts.

lucky #2 said...

Stay closed, cervix! I sure hope this contractions leave as quickly as they started. Sorry for the scares....

Rebecca said...

I'm sorry you're going through this, Nico. You sound impressively calm. I hope the contractions have settled down and don't come back again until you're good and ready for them.

Anonymous said...

Im glad everything is ok, but it must be so scary.

Just wondering.. you arent taking rasberry leaf capsules/tea, are you?
I took them too early with my pregnancy and they made me have very strong, regular contractions.. I rang my midwife and she said not to take them before 35 or 36 weeks.

Wishing you all the best!

Felicity. :)

Liz said...

Sorry for what you're going through...I know it must be very scary. I know it was great to hear Phred is textbook. Hope things will start settling soon.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nico, I'm just catching up now, and so sorry to hear about your recent worries -- you poor thing! I hope the contractions leave you alone soon, and stay unproductive for the next three months. Take good care of yourself and make like a vegetable whenever you can. I'm thinking of you and Phred and wishing you a long and boring route to your due date from here on in.

Thalia said...

Phew. I'm glad phred's ok. I hope those contractions calm down and stay away. It must have been really stressful.

Chee Chee said...

How frightening for you! I really hope that the contractions will abate for now.

I am really glad that little Phred is right on target and doing well and that your pregnancy is proceeding pretty normally.

I hope you continue feeling better.