Thursday, December 27, 2007

Knock me over with a feather.

Based on my previous few cycles, I was anticipating ovulating this cycle somewhere around 1/9, which would be CD28. And I had ultrasounds scheduled for CD15, 20 and 25 to take a look and see how my follicle(s) were developing, my lining, that kind of stuff. I haven't been temping or OPKing or anything, I figured that the u/s would tell me what I needed to know and I didn't need to bother being anal. Starting monday, though, I was getting a fair bit of EW so I thought I'd do some OPKs, just in case. Tuesday's was negative as expected. I was absolutely convinced I still had two weeks to go. But, when I tested on Wednesday, I got a postive. And not just any old positive, the most positive positive I've ever seen. The test line was markedly darker than the control line which has never happened before. ON CD14!!!! Which means if I follow my usual pattern, I will actually O tomorrow. CD16. NORMAL!

One can never know why these things happen, of course, but I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that my ass has not gotten to the gym at all in the past three weeks. I usually lift weights 2x/week, but haven't managed what with the snow and babysitter illness and all. Perhaps my system really is that sensitive???


Em said...

Very cool. I hope the rest of your cycle proves to be equally outstanding!

S said...

Wouldn't that be a kicker?! You try to take care of your body by excercising and it goes beserk!

Hope you have a perfect cycle!

Happy New Year!

OvaGirl said...

wow nico that's great. good luck and here's hoping in the new year! Loved your post about Ant's word development, they are amazing little people.

A said...

Oh wow - glad you caught that on the OPK!

Hope this year brings you everything your heart desires.